In Training!

I am currently training for my third endurance race: a 10K & half-marathon in one weekend! Join me on my crazy journey to the finish line!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Just Keep Running, Just Keep Running...

So, after my less-than-stellar long run last week, I was a little nervous about this week.  And then I remembered when I ran my first 10-miler during my marathon training and it was awful as well.  So I looked at my blog from the following week when I ran 11 miles, and I remembered that that run was great.  I had high hopes that history would repeat itself.

I had an average, run-of-the-treadmill run on Tuesday at my own gym.  Then I ran at a different gym due to a training I had for work.  There just happened to be a 24-Hour Fitness within 2 miles of my training (which was over an hour away from my house), so I knocked it out early before I picked up the boys from daycare.  That run was fine, but the treadmill was a little different, so it felt weird.  For the rest of the week I kept a close eye on the weather forecast...

Once again, thunderstorms sent me running inside again.  I don't mind the mill runs for 3 miles, but anything above 6 miles tends to lose its "fun" factor rather quickly.  The worst part was that SportsCenter wasn't playing on any of the TVs, so I was stuck watching "Law & Order".  I hadn't watched that show much, but I was able to enjoy 2 episodes during my run.  I think having to focus on reading the subtitles to keep up with the story helped distract me from my task, so it wasn't as dreadful as it could have been.  I broke my run up into three 3-mile chunks with restroom breaks in between and a 2-mile chunk to end.  If I didn't count my pit stops, I kept a 13:28-minute mile pace for the entire run.  However, I kept my timer going, so my actual pace was 14:33-minute mile.  I think that is the best pace I've kept for my long runs, so I feel pretty good about it.  We'll see if I'm able to walk tomorrow... :)

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