In Training!

I am currently training for my third endurance race: a 10K & half-marathon in one weekend! Join me on my crazy journey to the finish line!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Here I go again...

I trying to get ready to start training again!  My sights are set on the finish line of the Disney Wine & Dine Half-Marathon on November 10th, and my brain is still rethinking the training schedule.  The problem I'm having is that I'm torn between two schedules. The first one, which is the Jeff Galloway Beginner schedule, has me  running only three days a week (two short runs and one long run).  It seems easy enough, but it's unfamiliar.  And I'm not sure that "jalking" only 30 minutes twice a week will prepare me enough for the long runs on Saturdays.  The other option is to run two "short" days, one Fartlek (ugh!)/cross-train day (Zumba?), and one "long" run,.  It's basically a modified version of the one I used to train for the Disney Marathon, so it's a little more comfortable.  The problem with that one is that stinkin' Fartlek/cross-train day falls on Wednesday.  This may not seem like a big deal, but what it means is doing training after work and church, with a possible a faculty or vertical team meeting and/or praise team practice twice a month.  In a word?  Yuck.  Plus, when I was running last time, my weekday runs were here at home on a borrowed treadmill.  This time, I'll be at the gym.  So, here's what I'm thinking.  I can do the Jeff Galloway schedule time-wise, but keep the distances from my old training.  If I have time and/or energy to  Fartlek/cross-train, then it'd just be a bonus.  I may even try just the Jeff Galloway plan for a week or two and then see how my long runs go.  If they're just awful, then I can switch back to the other plan.  The only thing that is for certain is that my tail will be in the gym for a 2-mile jalk tomorrow!