In Training!

I am currently training for my third endurance race: a 10K & half-marathon in one weekend! Join me on my crazy journey to the finish line!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Still going strong... sort of...

So with being on vacation, I skipped on blogging.  Now that I'm back home, I can get back into the swing of  posting more regularly (with any luck)...  Here's how the past two-and-a-half weeks of training went.

We flew into Orlando late Friday night.  On Saturday, I had a two-mile run scheduled, but I didn't know the distances from my parents house.  We came up with a consensus that it was about a mile to my old elementary school, so I ran there and back.  I came in the door after my run and said, "That felt too short..." I checked the pedometer, and I was right.  It was only a mile and a half.  Since I had plans that night to go out, I decided to not worry about it.

The next week, I walked a little over four miles with Mom & Mary Monday night.  Then, I skipped my three miles on Tuesday because we went to Legoland and walked six-and-a-half miles.  On Thursday, we were in New Symrna Beach, so I enlisted in the help of the condo manager to figure out my three-mile route (from the condo to A1A, back down to Flagler Ave, back to the condo & repeat).  While my family was playing on the beach, I was completing my training run.  I have to admit, playing in the cool Atlantic felt wonderful after that run!  We were back in Orlando by Saturday for my three-mile "long run."  I ran from my parents' house to Mary's house and back (which we confirmed the distance in the car).  

The following Tuesday, I ran my three-mile route in Orlando while the family ate breakfast.  On Thursday, we were in Cocoa Beach.  This time, I just decided to run for 30 minutes on the beach.  I had never actually run on the sand before, and it was nice.  The only part I didn't like was getting sand in my running shoes.  I'm pretty sure there's still a little bit of Cocoa Beach in my Brooks to this day!  We were back in Orlando by Saturday for my four-mile "long run", so I ran to Mary's house & back for three miles, then ran up & down the main road next to my parents' house to make the fourth mile.  I left on my run to the smells of bacon & pancakes, and I think it help me keep my fastest pace since I started training again:  12-minute mile!

I had one more run in Orlando before coming back home on Tuesday.  I did great for the first two miles, but when I hit mile three, my stomach decided to do a repeat performance of "miles 14-17 misery" from my Marathon.  I got it done, but it drastically impacted my pace (only 13:30-minute mile).  I figured once I got home things would improve.

Unfortunately, they haven't yet.  I ran at the gym yesterday and only made a mile before the stomach began its pyrotechnics once again.  I took a quick break, then got back on and ran in smaller increments.  Talk about frustrating!  I'm really hoping my five-mile "long run" tomorrow goes better.  We'll have to wait and see...

Now that I've gotten caught up online, I need to get caught up on housework (sigh...)...

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