In Training!

I am currently training for my third endurance race: a 10K & half-marathon in one weekend! Join me on my crazy journey to the finish line!

Friday, December 31, 2010

9 Days and Counting!!

It is so hard to believe that this time next week I'll be picking up my packet and getting ready for the Disney Marathon!!  This has been an amazing experience so far.  I never thought I'd ever do something like this, and here I am, nine days away from the big day!  I just hope and pray that God gets all the glory for this one because I know I never would have made it this far without Him.  Now I just need cooperative weather, a big boost of confidence, and peace that surpasses all understanding because I'm beginning to get nervous about this thing...

I got my "Final Information" e-mail for the Marathon and I guess the realization of it being upon me overwhelmed me a bit.  That, and finding out I have to be up at 3am (which will feel like 2 am CST), on a bus no later than 4 am, and in my corral by 5 am made me realize this may be harder than I imagined.  I just have to trust that all of my training  will come into play, a great song list will get me through it, and know that it's mostly a mental thing to get me to the finish line.  I've survived 20 miles, and that was around scenery I've been looking at over the past 5 months.  I know I can make it to 26.2 miles in one of my favorite places in the world (besides "The Swamp"). 

On a good note, I ran my last "long run" before the race today.  It was only 6 miles, and I knocked it out in 1 hour 13 minutes--a personal best!  I think that was just the thing to end on before I head out to FL next week.  I admit it--I may be more excited about 4 days without the boys, but I want to make sure I make them proud with my accomplishment and honor Kylee's memory the best I can.

Until next time...

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