In Training!

I am currently training for my third endurance race: a 10K & half-marathon in one weekend! Join me on my crazy journey to the finish line!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm Still Jalking!

Sorry for the delay in updates.  It's been a bit hectic the past few weeks.  Let's see, where to start...

I ended up getting strep throat a few weeks ago, and I only missed one training day (and a day of work--but at least I had enough energy to get caught up on a ton of laundry).  I ran 7 miles at the end of that week, and felt terrible because of a few reasons:  1) didn't get enough sleep the night before, 2)didn't start running until 10am, 3) it was almost 90 degrees when I started, 4) I ran out of my liquids by mile 5, and therefore 5) got dehydrated and had to just walk the last two miles.  MISERABLE!!  So I've learned to carry a few bucks with me so I can buy a Gatorade if I'm desperate, get to bed earlier on Friday nights, and get up earlier while it's cooler.

The next week was okay, and I was able to complete 8 miles by that Saturday.  I started earlier, had backup fluids in my car, and I was able to refill halfway through my jalk.  Then, my hubby met me at my in-laws' house when I finished and "whisked" me away to Galveston Island so he could get some exercise done his way--by surfing.  The kids had a blast playing in the dirt, but Nathan wasn't too keen on getting water up his nose again (same thing happened on vacation in June).  I learned an important lesson that week:  make sure you stretch well after your run or you will suffer later...

Last week, I did my training and completed a 9-mile jalk with help.  My hubby was at a Men's Retreat that Friday night, so I took the boys and invaded my friend Kim's house again.  I got up early the next morning and did my jalk in 2 hours & 19 minutes--a personal best!!  I learned a really important lessons that week: I CAN DO THIS!! :)

This week, I ran through the neighborhood on Tuesday, terrorizing the dogs in my route with the pounding of my feet.  I even had one feisty little runt dig his way under his fence to "chase" me.  He apparently thought the path behind the houses next to the drainage ditch is his turf, and he felt threatened.  I'm wondering if there is some sort of pepper spray that works on dogs...  Anyway, my cross-training session last night was yoga in my living room after a Praise Team practice that I forgot I had, and I was a little sore this morning.  Even with a little discomfort, I was able to run my three miles today at my school.  Good side--gravel track.  Bad side--barely 1/6 of a mile around, so I had to do EIGHTEEN laps.  James helped me out by using a marker and putting dots on my hand as I passed my starting point and holding (more like stealing sips of) my Gatorade.  I currently look like I have a rare form of alien measles, but at least I got it done.  I had my brain all psyched for my 10-mile jaunt on Saturday, then I took a gander at my training schedule and realized that it's only a 6-mile week.  Next week is the big double-digit jalk!

And now, the biggest news of all!  I have officially gotten the OK from my church to start a fund for donations to be given to Matt when I run the Disney Marathon on January 9th.  Donating is easy!  Just send a check to my church, Bay Area Christian Church, and write "Boden Family Fund" or "Mandy's Marathon" in the memo line.  The money will go straight to a fund that will be given to Matt.  My goal is $1,000, but I'd love to beat that and be "forced" to set a new one. :)  So, get your checkbooks out and help a fantastic family begin 2011 in a mighty blessed way!

Address for checks:
Bay Area Christian Church
14550 Galveston Road (Highway 3)
Webster, TX 77598-1832

I can't wait to see how God blesses Matt and the kids through this.  He's already blessed me with better health, fabulous and supportive friends, and a loving family that is cheering me on to the finish line!

Until next time...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 6 DONE (barely)

Here are the highlights since last blog post:
  • I was able to complete my 6-mile run with Shawn last Saturday in Seabrook.  The track was nice, but a little confusing.  I was glad to have company because I don't think I could have made it back on my own (too many turns, trees looked the same).  I had to ration my Gatorade because he didn't bring anything with him.  He did discover, however, that a PowerBar gel pack worked wonders for him, but since I gave him mine, I was about dead at mile 5.  Now I know to have him carry his own stuff... ;)
  • I ran my first 3 miles on the treadmill on loan from Lisa.  It was so much easier than running outside (less humidity, fan blowing right on me, in air conditioning)!  However, we've discovered that it interferes with the wireless internet connection to the computer in our bedroom.  The hubby said, and I quote, "This is going to be the longest 4 months of my life!" Funny, real funny... :/
  • Doing my "Fartlek" intervals is much easier on the treadmill because it displays my time.  Plus, because it falls on Wednesdays, and we have Wed. Night Bible Study, it's dark when I get home.  I'm so glad to have the mill! :)
  • I completed 7 miles on my own in South Shore (where my in-laws live--nice neighborhoods with lots of sidewalks), but it was BRUTAL!!  Not because of the sidewalks, but because I didn't get to start until 10am. At that point, it was almost 90 degrees out, and with the humidity, it felt like about 95 or 96.  I couldn't run as much this time because I got dehydrated (even ran out of both bottles of fluid) by mile 5, so I had to walk the last 2 miles so I didn't get full-blown heat exhaustion or stroke.  I knew I was in trouble when my fingers started swelling and I couldn't get one of my rings off that was starting to cut off my circulation.  Lots of notes to self this time:  1) don't wait until 10am to START a 7-mile trek, 2) take a few bucks in case there's a convenient store along the way (which there was today around mile 4, but I didn't bring any money with me-DUH!), 3) only wear silver wedding band when running (it's already loose and with the swelling it was okay).
So, now you're caught up on how the training's going.  It's hard to believe I'm already done with 6 weeks worth, and I'm starting to get more excited (and more nervous) about January.  As soon as I get things finalized for donations to Kylee's Kids, I'll post the details!

Until next time....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Off the Wagon with Work & Allergies

So between having small group at church last night & "Meet the Teacher Night" at work tonight, I am off of my training schedule.  I haven't done anything in two days, and I feel crummy.  But part of that may also have to do with the ragweed around here declaring war on my sinuses.  I keep thinking if I could just get this junk out of my face, I'd feel so much better.  Anyway, so I'm disappointed that I'm off-track and a little concerned about my 6 miles that are due on Saturday.  I have to go those in, especially since I've been a slacker the past two days.  With any luck, I'll be past the worst of this allergy attack and feeling better.  I can only hope.

The good news is that I've made some progress.  I am now able to run 3 miles with only 5 1/10 mile breaks (which is great for me).  The few reasons I can give to the improvement are increased endurance, eating better (snacking more often during the day helps), and drinking Gatorade instead of water on my runs.  Who would have thought that the stuff invented in one of my favorite places would make me feel better? :)

Well, here's hoping that I can get my 6 miles in on Saturday.  Wish me luck & pray for a low pollen count!

Until next time...